
Virtual Geo Sticky Notes with Socialight

Socialight lets you explore the world and connect with people in a totally new way – by creating, sharing, and discovering virtual Sticky Notes stuck to actual places all around you – using your mobile phone or the Web. Sounds simple? It is! And it’s also very powerful...The basic building block of Socialight is the Sticky Note. A sticky is similar to a yellow Post-it note that you find in the office, except that it can contain text, images, audio and even video. It’s virtual and can be attached to any location in the world for as long as you like.

Socialight have basically created a virtual layer on top of the world which is made up of sticky notes created by people – known as "geo-tagging". You can also choose whether to keep a note to yourself, share it with your friends, publish it to a Channel, or share it with the whole world.

Contacts are what make Socialight social. By having your friends in your contact list, you can create and share the things you find, making the whole system work for you. For example finding a list of restaurants near you is cool, but finding the one that your friend said was great, is better. You can even just leave a note where you are, so any friends that walk by can find you!

But sometimes your friends don’t have all the answers, so Socialight also has Channels which lets you find specific types of content: All the places with great cocktails… places with free wi-fi… hotels in the area… or anything else you can think of!

If you subscribe to a channel, they’ll notify you about the things in it. If the channel owner lets you, you can also add your own stickies, or post messages for others in that channel. And even better, anyone can create a channel, and if you do, you set the rules!

With Socialight you can always feel like a local. You can get a place's vibe through stories and information from everyone who's been there before, especially the people you trust.
If you're in your home city, or travelling the world, you can find sticky notes tied to the places you go. Socialight can also notify you on your mobile any time you're near a note – it displays the note content, and also allows you to check out some background on the person who posted it. From there, you can instantly respond, leave your own note, or just move on.

So could Socialight on your phone be the future of mobile? The best part about Socialight is using it on your mobile as it lets you discover things while you walk around! You can also create new sticky notes, make comments and rate the things you find. Just tell them where you are and they will notify you about the things nearby that interest you – like content from your friends or the Channels you’ve subscribed to. Unlike ordinary messages, you only get Sticky Notes when it's relevant based on where you are and who your friends are. It's like having a guidebook written by your friends and the people you trust.

It's also fun to explore the world using Socialight online – browse sticky notes all over the world. You can drag the map around, zoom in and out and see what you find. You can also search for something specific and they’ll show you all the places that match your search. If you don't find what you are looking for, you can always create a new Sticky yourself!

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