
Barclays launches first "brand concept" bank branch

Barclays has launched what it is calling the first "brand concept" bank branch in the UK – a branch of the future piloting digital technology.

The branch at Piccadilly Circus, which opened its doors last week and officially launches at the end of January, embraces innovative technology and design.

Barclays has become the first bank in Europe to pilot Microsoft Surface technology, which allows users to grab digital content with their hands and navigate information with simple gestures and touches – a technique reminiscent of the film 'Minority Report'.

A major feature of the branch, and the first aspect visitors see is 'Being:London', an interactive and evolving installation representing London and it's people. The display graphically represents the city on a large video wall using content from blogs, showcasing Londoners' interests, ideas and concerns.

Personal consoles also allow people to contribute to the installation and explore relevant information from Time Out.

Outside of opening hours, the front of the branch is transformed into the 'Night Life' installation screen, which picks up the image of passers by using face recognition technology and cameras, and creates moving silhouettes on the screen with thought bubbles containing random messages.

Customers in the branch are also be met by floor-walking staff equipped with handheld PCs to answer queries without the need to wait in line.

The branch, or “store” as Barclays call it, has full banking functionality and has taken inspiration from retailers such as Apple and Nike in developing a space that attracts and engages individuals while conveying what the brand represents.

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